I have created a data point called addressGeo which is type Geographic address. I save it to database after entering an address via the workflow. However, nothing gets saved.
What to do to save it?

I have created a data point called addressGeo which is type Geographic address. I save it to database after entering an address via the workflow. However, nothing gets saved.
What to do to save it?
Is the datafield you are trying to save it to, text or GeoLocation?
It is “geographic address”, not text.
I dont see any field type called GeoLocation in my list of types?
What is the second action in your workflow doing?
It takes the saved address and extracts the state code.
@accts… I’m guessing this isn’t the case, but are you sure it’s not just a display issue and maybe the parent group’s user isn’t defined? I mean, we can see in the screenshot that nothing is being displayed on the screen, but have you looked in the database and made sure the data is not actually in the fields? Again, I’m guessing you have, but I didn’t think it could hurt to ask.
Yes, I keep checking. I even manually typed the address. When I do that, your suggestion on how to extract the statecode works. But the main problem is the workflow wont save the data for the database. So my subsequent action outputs nothing.
I just did a quick test to make sure I could save an address via a workflow to a geographic address field, and it worked as expected. Just out of curiosity, what is the content format of the input field? Have you tried running the workflow in step-by-step mode to see if the debugger can provide some clues? Also, and I can’t imagine it would have anything to do with this, you might as well make sure there are no privacy rules that are getting in the way somehow.
My only thoughts are that maybe you do not have your own google api keys added into the settings and so it may be possible you are getting rate limited and by the time you go to save the address you might have used up all 6 of the limits within 1 minute.
I’ve had issues similar because of the fact I did not have my own google api keys added into the settings.
The chances are your second action won’t work, as the first one won’t have completed before you’re trying to run it.
Which value is the one that’s not saving? (the one from the first or second action? Or both?
In any case, I’m not sure why you’re using to actions for that… just one would do.
Or, you can force the second one to wait for the first one to complete by referring to the results of step one in step two.
I’m not sure that what your issue is… but maybe try changing that anyway to see if it helps.
Yes, It is the first one that does not work. If I type in a address in that field directly in the database, then the second one of extracting the “statecode” does work.
My problem is that the saving data for the address in the geographic address data point field is not working.
I have added the second one just to see the result of the first one. Its a test case only, not so relevant to the issue.
Does the input definitely have a valid value when you’re trying to save it?
Have you checked the debugger and/or server logs to see what’s actually going on here?
The debugger says the input is empty. Although it is filled in.
This seems to be the main problem, it does not register what I am typing in.
And I removed the second step, although it should have no effect on the previous step.
The content formats for the geoaddress I tried are both “text” and “address” Neither work. It tells me that the input box is empty.
You know, I was doing a comment section yesterday in a different part of this app, and I found that on of my edited inputs was not being registered either. It kept says it is empty and would not save the edited entry.
This seems to the same problem. Is this some software issue or a version thing? Maybe, just fishing for ideas.
I did look at the Privacy issue and turned on the geoaddress, although I am logged in as admin and should have access to everything.
Here is the link to that. On the bottom of the page in the comment section.
I doubt it’s a bug… are you sure you are referencing the correct inputs in the workflows?
Have you added your Google API keys? I’ve had this issue that the inputs are filled in but the value won’t save to database because I didn’t have my Google API keys added to the settings and I was getting rate limited.
The address you can see. It just a input. All I am doing is to save to database with the save button. It does a Change thing to User, where this variable lies . Simple action but when I check the debugger, it says input is empty, so saves nothing. It some issue I am having about input.
Its text. I dont have geolocation as a option to choose, only, text and address.