why can’t i click for 30 seconds. what is it loading.
also, does anyone else experience regular browser crashing while building? my browser eats up 4gb then shits on me on a very regular basis using bubble. not that i dont save a shitton of time over regular dev work but it’s really starting to grind my gears
@jared.gibb I’ve had a similar experience. It also appears to take a long time to load fields for plugin elements. Perhaps these two issues are related? The time it takes for those plugin fields to appear in the Bubble editor and when workflows become clickable seems to be about the same. I think I’m going to submit a bug report and you might want to do the same. The more examples they have of situations like this, the greater the chance they can identify the cause and develop a fix
Refreshing every time i switch pages has become a part of my editor habits. What has been annoying recently is that things like RGs and plugins will sometimes fail to recognize compatible states for expressions. I’ll either have to refresh or just paste the expression from somewhere else.