Can't load editor

Trying to access my web-page in Editor mode and this image keeps loading

I just can’t access my application currently!

Guys, I’m on a paying plan and I would like to remind to all official Bubblers that you have 2 days support response.

Bubble - Slowness 29.03.2017 - I’ve created Help topic about Bubble slowness and there was NO response at all!

Can I ask you not to ignore Help topics and provide up-to-date information about our paid service?

I’m bringing @emmanuel as primary Bubble contact that I have.

Thank you.

We’re currently experiencing some issues, we’re looking into it.

Same here. The editor is frozen

It should be loading now. Haven’t found / fixed the root cause of what was breaking yet, but found a way to temporarily mitigate the problem

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Mine is still freezing when trying to save.

Likely unrelated to the general editor loading issues that other people were seeing – metrics on editor load times have been normal for the last ~40 minutes (they were too high earlier). If it doesn’t go away on its own in a few minutes, it’s probably something related to your app specifically, so please file a bug report at

We found the underlying issue and have deployed a fix. Sorry guys.

@emmanuel still having issues here
The “Saving…” does not work. Its frozen

same issue here

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Was not working for me a few minutes ago. Refreshed browser and it seems to work nicely again.

tried that couple of times but still the same

We’re looking into it.

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Just as an FYI - it looks like its coming back up, but now the workflow editors are not loading

Having the same issues can’t get into workflows its been a little off and on all day with very long saving delays.

We’re back to normal but still monitoring.

I’m still having issues where the editor is perpetually in “Saving…” mode. Will also file a bug report if this isn’t the case for more people.

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