Unwanted space below repeating group with fixed number of rows

When I set my repeating group to have a set number of rows,

AND if by doing a search the result shows one or few rows (haven’t identified the upper limit), then an unwanted space shows below the RG:

Normal RG:

RG with unwanted space:

I’ve checked the layout settings: The RG’s min height is 45

There are no margins or padding in the RG settings.

There are also no margins in the row content’s group.

The parent group of the RG and pagination also has a zero min height setting:

When I change the RG to not have a limited number of rows, this exessive space issue does not happen.

I cannot find out where this comes from.

Any idea?

Hi, I think it’s because of your RG separator. You might have a 1px separator between each cell. To resolve the issue you should delete the RG separator and add border to the inner group.
Hope this help :slight_smile:

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