Update a List of Things from a Repeating Group

Hi there everyone!
Im kind of new at Bubble so i hope someone could help me.
Im developing a WebApp that takes information throw an API Call from my own API .

I need the WebApp to create the new orders that are being created in my functional API into the Bubble Database, and update the state of the orders that are already created.

The part of creating the new orders i do it with a filtered repeating group, where the filter searches for the orderID and shows in the RG the orderID that arent in the database. Its working fine.
But when i try to do the same for updating the order’s states (IN_PROCESS, COMPLETED, ETC) that changes in my functional API, i get stuck.
I tried to do it filtering in a repeating group like this:

But it is not filtering anything, it shows all the orders in my API.

Is there anyway i could update these field? I am stuck and im beginning to frustrate.

Thank you so much for taking the time!