Im trying to make a management system. So with that being said, peoples positions will constantly be changed. Im trying to prevent me from having to change everyone position through the APP DATA.
Data type:
Users (the Field) Rank
Promotions (the Field) new rank
I want the new rank field to update the Users rank. Of is there a way for me to pull from Promotions new rank and show the most updated rank instead of the Users rank
Hi there, @toddpechin12344… if I understand your post correctly, here is how I might go about it…
I like the idea of having a rank field in the User data type so you always have easy access to a user’s current rank via the expression Current user's rank (as opposed to always having to search through the Promotion table to get a user’s most recent rank).
Now, I’m sure you want access to a history of each user’s promotions, so I would have a user field (tied to the User data type, of course) in the Promotion data type. Any time a user gets a promotion, I would save a new record to the Promotion data type that includes the user and the new rank. I would also have an additional step in this workflow that updates the user’s record in the User table to change their rank to the new rank.
So, with that structure in place, you always have (as I mentioned earlier) easy access to a user’s current rank, and you can always get a history of all of a user’s promotions by searching the Promotion table for records associated with that user.
Anyway, I hope I have understood your post correctly, and I hope this info is helpful, even if it’s just food for thought.
I actually found a way to do it, which is “make changes to data” but i cant seem to get it to work when doing a search for users rank. It tells me its a list of text and keeps trying to do Search for Users: first item
If you are trying to update the rank field in the User table, it should be as simple as a workflow step that makes changes to the current user, and the field to change is rank (in other words, you shouldn’t have to do a search for the user). That being said, I could be way off base because I don’t know exactly how you have things set up. So, if you can post some screenshots, I’d be happy to try to help you figure it out.
Yup… go to Settings >> General, set Application rights to Everyone can view, and post a link to any page in the project. To your point, that would definitely help in getting a better understanding of what’s going on.
Oh, and I think my previous responses were a bit off base now that I know what you are trying to accomplish… sorry about that.