Hi All
I’m a Bubble day 7 newbie, though do have several years knowledge of SQL databases.
I have three tables
- User which holds user data
- Events which holds details of all events (event title, start date, start time etc)
- EventShift which is a linked table which holds a linked table to events and linked table to users (neither are lists).
So if a user wishes to volunteer for a shift there is a new thing created which holds an event id and a user email.
I can manually enter a record into the eventTickets datatype by pasting a valid unique ID from the events table (if I try entering any invalid number it won’t accept it so I suspect my data relationshiop is OK), but I’ve created a very simple test form which has data of type event and which I can select an event, click a button and this passes as a URL parameter via workflow,( the event unique ID), this opens a page which retrieves the event id and then attempts to create a a new thing . However when I try to Create a new eventShift record by inserting the URL parameter the issue checker errors with
"Create a new EventShift value should be event but right now it is Text.
So my question is
What is the correct way to do this ? Is it URL parameters .
I don’t understand how I can paste in a valid number from manual entry but not by using dynamic data in the workflow.
Thanks in Advance