Hi there, I’m new here. Just a week ago I rediscovered Bubble, and I’m totally in love. I think Bubble is the tool I’m looking for so long. Right now I’m trying to convince two of my clients to switch from Podio to Bubble. So, therefore, I’m testing out the basic needs of there workflow in Bubble.
On the interface side, everything is so easy to do. I’m so amazed by it. But on the integration with the outside world, I discovered some difficulties.
In the workflow of both of my client’s, information and files from an outside source is delivered to there system. One client gets information from a GravityForm in Wordpress, and the other one is getting the information from IMAP mailbox where they receive all the invoices from there suppliers.
The catch is uploading the files. Yesterday I was researching this, and I thought it would be straightforward to do. I was wrong.
Both, Integromat and Zapier, have an action to upload a file to an item in Podio. I discovered that this is not the case for Integromat. So I headed to the forum and looked on Google to find a solution. Maybe I missed something, but I couldn’t find any working solution.
So I tried some things myself, and suddenly I thought I found it. In the API Workflows section of the application, I found the option ‘Detect request data’ under Parameter definition. For a moment I thought this would help me because it was correctly showing the data I was pushing to the API. So I connected the value of the image data to my Image field in Bubble and discovered there is coming some data to Bubble but the connection seems very slow, and after a while, I get a connection error.
Is there any solution I missed?
I can’t wait to build these applications, but these workflows have to work before I can go on whit my bubble journey.