Uploading multiple user properties — error Message

the properties field is setup to be a list of texts, so you should be saving it as an array.
You can do that by putting your data between square brackets like this:

[{‘gender’:‘female’, ‘document_type’:‘driving_licence’}]

If you need to add another item to the same properties field for the same user_id it will look like this:

[{‘gender’:‘female’, ‘document_type’:‘driving_licence’}, {‘gender’:‘male’, ‘document_type’:‘passport’}]

If you don’t need to add multiple items for each user_id in the properties field then I would suggest you change the type of the field to just text instead of List of texts.

Ps. speaking of kyc I have created a tutorial on how to build a video kyc app in bubble. Maybe it can be useful for your use case as well!

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