Uppy Uploader Image/File Upload


I am really struggling with the concept of uploading files and images to the database from uppy (or any other options for that matter). I have a project data type with a filed for photos (list of images) and a filed for files (list of files). On my popup form I have the Uppy plugin placed, with the settings attached.

My workflow for the create button is as attached. All the data is created, except any images of files that are uploaded. I am not sure where I am going wrong, but essentially I will have 2 uploaders, 1 for documents & another for images. Thanks for any assistance.

There’s an Uppy-event “A Uppy Uploader File Upload Complete” that you can use (or possibly the upload session complete one, I’ve not had to work with multiple file uploads in uppy).

It fires as a result of the “Upload Files A Uppy Uploader” action.

In that event you get the url of the uploaded file and can attach it to your Project-thing using e.g. “make changes to thing”.

Thanks for the tip. I never even saw those options.

I have added the uploader event in the workflow attached. Essentially firstly create the thing, upload the files, then change the thing.

The database entry creates everything but still has no attachments, not sure where I am going wrong.

Thank you

No one else having this issue. Am I missing a basic concept with Bubble file / image uploads?