Url suffix to prefill the inital content of page fields

Im thinking of having a page that could have some of the fields prefilled based on some additions to the url that they used to get there. That way we could provide our clients with edited url’s to pages that would quicken their form entries.

The only way I can think of using this is to trigger the bockspring url parser when a page loads (https://open.blockspring.com/pkpp1233/url-parser). Then maybe have a fields initial content be set to somthing that can be read from the url parser. Id try to test it but there is an error that comes up that the element type for the results from the url parser are not chosen when I try to configure the plugin.

Also there may be a syntax that can be appended to the url of a page that refers to the various fields on a page. I know wufoo uses this. If you append “/def/field1=initial_content_of_field_1&field2=initial_content_of_field_2” it will prefill field 1 and 2 for a given form page. Anything like this in bubble?

Have you looked at the URL parameters feature? https://bubble.io/reference#Actions#Data.DataSources.GetParamFromUrl

And how to send parameters to a page.

Or using a link


Thanks, That’s exactly what I was looking for!

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