Hi all,
I am fairly new to Bubble (and no-code in general). I am to be the lead tech for a young fintech which started with an app entirely made with Bubble.
However, I feel the lack of a proper backend made with some framework (eg Django) hosted externally will soon block the product growth. Indeed, the product is supposed to be able to interact in-and-out with a heep of other companies’ backends, something which does not seem to fit Bubble’s use cases.
Would I be right to propose to move the business logic and data storage out of Bubble and use Bubble as a frontend only ?
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Bubble backend can interact with other backends via API’s.
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There are definitely edge cases where you wouldn’t need to use anything other than bubble database. However at times you may find it more beneficial to have a database thats not in bubble or perhaps just one of your data management system is not in bubble.
For example, running cloud functions daily on a PubSub channel that call Amazon servers and crunch numbers before storing the data in bubbles backend or you can store it all in Firebase and use bubbles api connector to bring it back on an as needed basis
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