Use Reusable Elements for Security workflows


Does it make sense to use a single Reusable Element to control all the security/authorization workflows in order to avoid repetition and mistakes? Has anyone tested this approach?

In what other original ways have you used a Reusable Element to avoid repetition? Excluding the known visual elements (header, footer, sidebar, menus, login/logout, notices, etc)


Yes, I use a reusable element I label “Security Header” and place it on every page. It contains page-level redirects and works very well. Albeit, it does slow down the page load a bit due to the fact it “does a search” for pages the users role has access to (in order to update any changes in permissions set by the admins).

I also have a search that I’ve built into my app, and that is re-usable element since it contains so many different conditions and workflows.



I never thought about a search element but indeed it makes perfect sense :slight_smile: