Using 3rd party basic auth

Hello Team,

I would like to use a third party to auth my Bubble app. The third party app only uses basic auth (username and password). Can this be done.

Use case is that my app is both web based (Bubble) and a chrome extension. Both access data on the third party app via an api so common credentials is important.


Hey @kurt_fireball :wave:

You should be able to do this using the API Connector plugin. This allows you to use basic auth to access your data.

Is that what you mean?

No. I need to use the third party app to authorise access to my Bubble app. I can use the API connector to get that auth from the third party app but how can I then use that to provide auth to my Bubble app?


So I think you are trying to do the opposite of what I suggested. You want to have a third party access your bubble data?

Are you looking for users to log into their bubble accounts outside of Bubble? Is that what you mean?

No third party access to data (I can already handle that).

Auth with third party then come back to Bubble as an auth’d user.


So instead of this: Authenticating Users - Bubble Docs, you want to just use email and password?

Still trying to figure out what you are asking. :blush: Thanks for your patience.

Or maybe you mean this: Authenticating Users - Bubble Docs

The third party app doesn’t use OAuth, just email and password.

I want to auth with this email and password. So, use api to login and auth with the third party app and have this authenticate me with Bubble.

Hmm :thinking: That’s tricky. I think you might need some custom code to do the trick or maybe something like Zapier if it connects to the third party app. I’m not sure what the third party app is, so it’s hard to say what options there are. Hard to give a better answer without a lot more specific details or screenshots.

Maybe something like this might point you in the right direction: Or at least give you some ideas to help you think outside the box.

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