Using keyboard keys to access elements in groups

I’m practicing with Bubble and trying to make everything on my pages accessible via the keyboard. On one page, I have a group that contains three icons and I can easily access those icons via the keyboard. But on every other page where I have a group with other elements inside, I cannot access the elements no matter what key I try. I’ve seen that there are some plugins that can assist with focusing behaviors. Do I need to use plugins to make everything accessible or is there a way to do this natively within the Bubble editor?

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hey @sshelp!

have you tried using javascript .focus() method? you can also set the event listener to be the key you need. For that you need the Toolbox plugin

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This is the only solution I have found but I haven’t tried it myself yet. I will give it a go and see if it works. I was hoping there would be something automatically available within Bubble itself.

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