In the Yelp API if you call Business Detail with a Restaurant ID that has an accent or tilde etc like any of these for example èéêë, then the API fails. So i want to just remove any occurrence of a special character. So I was looking to use regex and using this post from Stackoverflow as a basis but I cannot figure out how to have “è” replaced with “e” and “ì” replaced with “i”. etc. I have find and replace using regex like below so far but it doesn’t work . anyone know what this should look like?
Apparently his email is in his identification in the plugin, it’s in your plugin tab if you installed it or in the plugin list if you search for it (:
You’ll see "by… "
Hello, I developed a plugin to solve this pb with special strings that are very annoying for the slug or for the connection to third party software.
I hope it will help you… friendly,