Using the Music Player

I’m building a messaging app and want to add sounds when send is pressed / new message etc.
I tried using the Music Player plugin. Few questions to bubble / anyone who’s used the music player element:

  1. Can we upload a static sound file directly via bubble (similar to image). Currently I had to create a separate AWS account then upload and provide circle player song source with that link

  2. How do I access the element via the workflow… e.g. play when button is pressed; send this song URL to music player… The player doesn’t show in element actions

  3. Will the player having to access the same URL every time, will the mobile website become slow. Any experience with this ?

  1. yes, you can. Our interface doesn’t suggest that, but if you upload the file with a file uploader and copy the link that’ll just work. I fixed the interface and will deploy in a day so that users can upload a file. But you don’t need to create a separate account for this.

  2. we don’t expose that. The element is really an element users are expected to interact with, so we don’t expose such actions (yet). we could, but it’s a new feature.

  3. let us know how this goes. As a disclaimer though, the element doesn’t work well with the native app system yet. We’ll fix that as we push more for mobile in the fall.

  1. The uploader works perfectly. Quick follow-up question -> If I upload a file, copy the link to refer later; then upload another file via the same musicplayer element’s uploader, will the link to previous file stop working ?

  2. How do I play a sound everytime an action (e.g. user presses a send message button). Right now the player can autoplay when a song is sent. But, it only plays for the first time. If the same song is sent it doesn’t invoke the autoplay. Is there a way to tell music player -> play now.

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  1. it will still work
  2. so as we don’t expose such an action, you have to be a bit creative there. For instance, you can have the link in a custom state of the element, and refer to this. Then you can manually set it to an empty text, and then set it again. that should do it.