Version Control - checkpoint

Having played with the version control yesterday, it made me realise that I have no idea where in point in time I would want to roll back to, if something majorly went wrong.

So, how about a checkpoint marker. i.e. saying you have just finished implementing a a feature, you could go to the version control dialog, and ‘Mark Checkpoint’, which would basically record that date/time and allow you to enter a comment e.g. ‘Messaging implemented.’

Then in the future, you could either, enter a date as now, or select the checkpoint from a list.


That’s kind of what deployment messages are for.


I am referring to within the the development build, and not pushing live.

Good NEWS (maybe everyone knew?..
We can go back and forth the see older version. But still, will be good to have naming… sometime.
I support the idea of Dave to be able to save without the obligation to push Live.


I agree, versioning for development without pushing to live would be awesome, and enhance the workflow especially when collaborating.