đź–‡ WalletConnect - New Plugin from Zeroqode

WalletConnect is an open protocol to communicate securely between Wallets and Dapps (Web3 Apps). The protocol establishes a remote connection between two apps and/or devices using a Bridge server to relay payloads. These payloads are symmetrically encrypted through a shared key between the two peers. The connection is initiated by one peer displaying a QR Code or deep link with a standard WalletConnect URI and is established when the counter-party approves this connection request. It also includes an optional Push server to allow Native applications to notify the user of incoming payloads for established connections. The plugin helps you to connect your existing wallet to the Web3 Apps in order to send transactions in the currently opened sessions.


Live demo: https://zeroqode-demo-27.bubbleapps.io/walletconnect


WalletConnect | Plugin for Bubble by Zeroqode


No-Code App Plugins for Bubble | Zeroqode

Levon Terteryan
Founder @ Zeroqode
#1 Bubble Publisher and Developer


:file_folder: 130+ Bubble Templates
:mortar_board: 25+ Bubble Courses
:gear: 300+ Bubble Plugins
:iphone: Convert Bubble app to iOS & Android
:man_technologist:t4: No-code Development Services

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Hello @levon @ZeroqodeSupport - the WalletConnector only opens ETH Wallets. Even if I try a BTC provider (example: bitcoin.com wallet), an ETH wallet is trying to be selected.
Is there a way to enable the BTC network?

Hi @segongora9, thanks for your question.
We’ve passed it to the developer team for research. Once any feedback will appear, we will let you know asap.

Zeroqode Support Team

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Hi @segongora9, thanks for your patience.

Regretfully, the developer team was not able to reproduce the above-mentioned issue. Please share a bit more details (used device, used application, and any details you consider important) about your case, it will allow us to find any issue much faster.

Looking forward to your reply.

Zeroqode Support Team

Hi @ZeroqodeSupport - thanks for getting back at me.
Here’s a screen recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1aaQOeoApWKQr8MUgq3KUYUixb2W3wkFX/view?usp=sharing

Happened on both Safari and G Chrome. iPhone 13 running iOS 16.3.1.
Wallets that don’t open (or allow) BTC network selected:

Hi @segongora9, thanks for the shared information.
We’ve passed it to the developer team for research. Once any result will appear, we will let you know asap.

Zeroqode Support Team

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Hello @ZeroqodeSupport - any updates on this? I’ve been progressing on other parts of the app but no luck with this and it’s critical for the client’s app!

Hi @segongora9, thanks for your patience.

The problem is that this wallets, which drops this error, doesn’t support wc v2.
Please see the list of supported wallets (it is slowly expanding, and probably required wallets will be added too).

Please let us know if there is anything else that we can help with about our plugin.

Zeroqode Support Team

I installed last version of the widget, but when i try to connect metamask wallet it does not work. But with trustwallet all works smoothly

Hey @airplanes.ag ,

We have tested the WalletConnect plugin on our demo page, and it is functioning as expected. Could you please ensure that the plugin is configured in the same way as shown on our demo page?

You can access the demo page and documentation here for reference:

* Demo Page:
* Documentation:

Thank you for your understanding!

Best regards,
Support Team

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Hello. When I try to send some transaction using code of token contract, trustwallet trys to sign a smartcontract, but not to send tokens. Metamask works correctly, but not TrustWallet. Same on your demo-page.

I’v inserted ready page with wallet connect functionality as iframe on my main site and when i access via Safari i have this msg: connected to Blocked a frame with origin “https://pay.bunn.world” from accessing a cross-origin frame. Protocols, domains, and ports must match. Also when I click on some buttons which starts action, thai i have this error: The plugin WalletConnect - All Crypto Wallets / action Modal Networks a Wallet Connect 5.0.7 threw the following error: anonymous@
run_with_error@https://pay.bunn.world/package/run_js/2e590e5d60ec22acee5116e154c38fedf9560665a7dd16c63b1410a957eccdbe/xfalse/x29/run.js:269:2777 (please report this to the plugin author)

Hey @airplanes.ag ,
Thank you for your reply.

We have divided the answer into several parts to make it easier to understand:

1)We found that issue on our demo page that you mentioned with TrustWallet and have already passed that information on to the development team. As soon as we have a response from them, we will definitely get back to you.

2)Regarding the error you are seeing, please follow this link (Screenshot) and configure your domain(All domains must be enabled).

Thank you for understanding.

Best Regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

Support Team

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i’ve done everything as per instruction, but still have same issue with iframe

Hey @airplanes.ag,
Thank you for your reply.

We have some additional questions regarding your setup and we would be happy to help you resolve any issues. Would it be possible for you to add our Support Team email to the list of collaborators in your application and provide us with a link to your app? This will enable us to check your settings and reproduce them on our side to identify the issue.

To add our Support Team as a collaborator, please follow these steps in the Bubble Editor:
Settings > Collaboration > Add email support@zeroqode.com.

Please note that you may receive a warning message regarding the plan, but since Zeroqode is on an Agency plan, you can easily add us to your collaborators.

Thank you for your time and we look forward to hearing back from you soon.

Best regards,
Support Team

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Thanks, I’ve added

Hey @airplanes.ag ,
Thank you for confirmation.

We’ve divided our answer into several to make it easier to understand:

  1. When I try to send some transaction using code of token contract, trustwallet trys to sign a smartcontract, but not to send tokens

We are excited to share that we have effectively resolved the issue with the WalletConnect - All Crypto Wallets Plugin action and have updated it to version 1.45.0 :
-Metamask+Web3+WC : Fixed “Eth Sign type data” and “Send Transaction with Contract Address” actions - WalletConnect
-WalletConnect: Fixed “Eth Sign type data” and “Send Transaction with Contract Address” actions.

Could you kindly update the plugin within your app to this latest version and confirm whether everything is now operating smoothly? :blush:

Feel free to explore the plugin’s functionality on our demo page.

  1. Add a support team a s collaborator

Thank you, we have received your application, our developers will check it soon and I will get back to you with a response

Best Regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

Support Team

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Your update does not work correct. Now in every wallet if you use any coin contract it sends only original token of chain. And it’s same in your demo page. For example i put address of usdt and it initiated payment in eth. And now it works same not only in trust, but in metamask as well.

Hey @airplanes.ag ,

We have passed this information to the development team.
Also, we checked your application and WalletConnect operates without functional issues. However, there are two errors in the console caused by the fact that WalletConnect RPC was deprecated and transferred to the company Reown. This is explained here: My users can't connect using walletconnect / issue since yesterday · WalletConnect · Discussion #2884 · GitHub .

We plan to update the plugin to the new Reown library in the near future to ensure you no longer encounter these console errors.

Thank you for understanding

P.S. We sent you a short video in DM from your application

Best Regards,
Support Team

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Hey @airplanes.ag ,
Thank you for your patience.

We checked your application and sent you video in DM where you can see that other wallets accept tokens correctly. Please check this video and let us know if everything works correctly, if not, then record us a little Loom video where you show us the problem you encountered.

Best Regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

Support Team

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