WebRTC Video Chat Plugins - Need Help

No. It’s an iframe so you just drop it into an html component.

Hmm, I know it won’t appear in the editor but will appear in preview. Other than that, are you altering the code at all after pasting?

Thanks @willtaylordesign, it is working now, I did paste the JS code istead of the iFrame.

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Hey, I’ve tried to create the tokbox video chat embed on my website but haven’t been successful. Could you have experienced this? What might be the problem? Thanks

You won’t be able to visualize it on Chrome, however if you run your preview on Firefox it should work

Okay, thank you. Does that mean tokbox doesn’t support visualizing on Chrome?

It does but your site must be HTTPS.

Okay, thanks a lot. I managed to integrate it successfully

Hey there - can I ask you got things to work? Getting the same message and have tried Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.


WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) is a peer-to-peer communication protocol that lets browsers communicate through the Internet. Therefore, WebRTC is a way to exchange any kind of media over the web (such as audio, video, and data) without any plugin or framework.

The topic of WebRTC involves numerous technologies. However, connection-making, communication, and data transmission takes place via JS APIs. The primary APIs include:

  • RTCPeerConnection – Creates and navigates peer-to-peer connections,
  • RTCSessionDescription – Describes one end of a connection (or a potential connection) and how it’s configured,
  • navigator.getUserMedia – Captures audio and video.

A server is required for remote connections between two or more devices. You will need a server that can handle real-time communication in this case. Using Node.js for scalable real-time applications is an obvious choice. To develop apps with two-way data exchanges, you should consider using WebSockets, which let clients and servers establish a communication session. This makes Node.js an attractive choice since it takes a “non-blocking” approach to serve requests, which results in a high level of latency and throughput.

You can find many companies that provide web conferencing, video conferencing, peer-to-peer conferencing, as well as custom WebRTC application development for your business.

If you would like to make a custom WebRTC app, I suggest that you consider RTCWeb(.). Below are the services they provide:

  1. Real-time dashboard development
  2. Signaling servers configuration
  3. Custom WebRTC web application
  4. Native app for iOS or Android
  5. Third party WebRTC API integrations
  6. WebRTC consultation

There are a few companies that have adopted WebRTC with offer free chat Api. Many of them are at varying levels of maturity. If you want more details, let you see: https://www.trustfirms.com/best-free-chat-apis-sdks/