What is the best way to retrieve hourly data?

Hi forum! I have a case, where I need to collect data every hour from a marketing channel. Does anyone know what the best structure is to collect the data every hour of the day and update it in my data base?

I don’t even see to set hourly workflows. Is that even possible?

Just use a recursive workflow and run it every hour.

Can I run it every hour automatically? And how do I set it up then?

Yes, just schedule it to run every hour.

If you don’t know how to set up recursive workflows, check the Bubble manual or search this forum (there are countless posts on using recursive workflow).

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Setting up for Recurring Scheduled workflow by every hour can be available on higher plans only.

better to use Zapier/other available 3rd party services to setup Scheduled workflow and store into bubble.

This is completely incorrect.

Hi @adamhholmes ,
Sorry, i was forget to add Recurring scheduled workflow.
Not a normal scheduled workflow (Backend Workflow), I mean that Recurring Scheduled Worflow run for every hour.

Recurring Events (if that’s what you mean) can only be run daily (there is no plan that lets you run them hourly).

But this discussion is about using recursive workflows (not recurring events).

Where can I set up a recursive workflow? I can’t figure it out…


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