What order are "and" & "or" evaluated in expressions?

Since we don’t have parenthesis in expressions it’s not clear when building them what precedence applies.

Like “X and Y” is obvious.

But how is “X and Y or Z” evaluated? is it “(X and Y) or Z” or is it “X and (Y or Z)”?

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Seconding this. Would certainly be helpful to know what the consistent rules in Bubble’s logic are for this.

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This might answer it: How are AND and OR operators handled?


So, from the other thread, @mishav says Bubble works left-to-right. Meaning…
x = and/or
A x B x C x D becomes
(((A x B) x C) x D)

So if you want a different order you have to use a function that gets evaluated independently. Mischav’s example is to use something that evaluates to yes/no. You could probably also use an invisible input or a custom state.
A x B x C where C already = (X or Y)
so instead of this ((A x B) x C)
you’d get ((A x B) x ©) = ((A x B) x (X or Y))

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