Whats is the different between current user and current page user

whats is the different between current user and current page user ?

Current User refers to the user that is currently logged in. Current Page User is used if you’re looking at someone else’s profile page. That page would have a “type” set to User, and you’d pass a user to that page.

This allows you to say things like, “Current Page User’s Name.” If you were to use, “Current User’s Name,” you’d just see your name everywhere.

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For a bit more context:

Within Bubble, you can give any type of container (a group, a popup, a repeating group, a group focus, floating group) a “data type.” Doing so is optional, but assigning a data source allows everything in that container to reference the same piece of data.

Bubble also treats a pages like containers. Most specifically, you can set a “type” for a page. (Bubble defaults this to “User” - the only data type that comes standard in an application. It is up to you if you want to give the page a data type. Just requires you have a way of referencing the data point you’re looking for.

Dan (creator of LearnTo - 15+ hours of Bubble tutorials and live coaching)

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