Workflow trigger on data changes

Hey all.
Is it reasonable to do some workflow running by data changes? I have few different buttons that do similar actions in data. I want to create a backend workflow that would be triggered if the data in a specific database has changed. In that case when I do some changes in my app I don’t need to find all the buttons and add workflows to everyone of it. I also hope that can help the app work faster. And yes I need different buttons do the same actions:). Thanks.

That’s indeed a standard use case for Database trigger events | Bubble Docs.

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Thanks. Yes I’m forgot about this. But I think I have to be more clear. I need to trigger the workflow if a new data was added in database. So there is no changes in any existing data but adding a new one.

Thing before change is empty and Thing now is not empty

Oh cool. Thank you

You can use a Database trigger event and set it to run only when new data is added. For example, if ‘Thing before change is empty and Thing now is not empty,’ the workflow will trigger for new entries. This way, you don’t need to manage workflows for every button.

Is there a front end version of this? For example to run a workflow only when the previous create, delete or modify data step is fully completed?

yes you can do it based on state when a condition is fulfilled change that state and create a do while workflow that run based on that state