Workload Unit Spike Mystery

In a 24-hour period (Dec 11, 11am - Dec 12, 11am), the dev Workload Units significantly spiked. I had not made any changes to my app prior to that, nor after that, so I don’t think I did anything that “turned it on” nor “turned it off”.

I don’t understand why the increased usage doesn’t show up in the Server Logs.

For instance, using the App Metrics for Dec 12, 942am, it shows 684 searches:

The server logs for that time window (+/- 1 minute), shows no activity with all logs selected:

Here is the 24-hour workload usage showing the usage ramp up, flatline, then ramp back down.

How can I troubleshoot this if nothing is showing in the Server Logs? I need to know what is causing the spike prior to deploying live.

You have logs selected for ‘Dev’ but probably want to select them for ‘Live’.

The “spike” is in the ‘Dev’ Workload Units, updated screenshot below. But looking into the App Metric, I guess it isn’t showing in the Server Logs because the source that’s causing it isn’t a Workflow, it is a “Data Source: Search for…”

The Thing it is searching for only has 9 items in the ‘Dev’ database, but the Workload Usage shows in a 1-minute Window there were 684 Searches done. I don’t understand how that is possible.

My understanding is that 684 Searches / 9 Items = 76 Actual Searches / 60 sec = 1.3 Searches per Second.

If it was being “triggered” by a Workflow, that would show up in the server log, but it isn’t.

Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated!


Are you using any fuzzy search plugins?

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Yes (zeroqode Search and Autocorrect), but it isn’t in the group where the Search For is happening. Could that still be causing a problem?

Depends. What are the settings of the plugin?

The way the plugin works when you plug a Search as it’s data source, is it will load everything matching those constraints.

This applies to most plugins too unless they have some sort of pagination built in.

Also if you have any search constraints it will trigger a new search each time you change any of the constraint’s values

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