Out of interest, I just tried it…
And the answer isn’t exactly clear (like everything else to do with WU).
I had a single on-page WF to make changes to a thing (the thing already loaded on the page) and changing a single field.
When the field is changed and the button is clicked, the WU cost was as follows:
Make change to thing: 0.62 WU
Total WF cost: 1.63 WU
So, somewhere in amongst that is the 0.5 WU mentioned in the docs for making changes to a thing.
Presumably, there’s also an additional cost for retrieving the thing (although why it needs to be retrieved in order to update it I’ve no idea), and the rest must be for the amount of data being transferred (which in my case was 2 characters), although the docs don’t mention anything about data costs for making changes to a thing.
So (I suppose) that explains the 0.62 WU of making the changes.
But then there’s a whole additional 1.01 WU being added.
I assume 0.6 of that is for running the server action that makes the change (as every single server action has a cost of 0.6 WU), but where the additional 0.41 WU comes from is anyone’s guess.
So, despite the Docs stating that it costs 0.5 WU to make changes to a thing (which is not technically incorrect, just very misleading), in real terms it seams the actual minimum cost to make changes to a thing is 1.63 WU (more than 3 times what a casual reader of the docs might expect).
But… as for the question of whether you still get charged WU when there’s no actual change…
The answer is, Yes, you do… although I’m not sure what for.
Here’s a breakdown:
In this instance, the save button was clicked, triggering a Make changes to thing workflow to update the Thing - but the new value was exactly the same as the old value (so nothing actually changed).
In this case the WU cost was as follows:
Total Cost: 0.63 WU
So it appears as if the Make changes to a thing action did not run, but I was still charged for a server action running (even though the make changes to a thing action didn’t actually run), plus some additional WU presumably for data (but the mysterious 0.41 WU from last time was not incurred here).
So who knows what that’s all about…
So, to answer your question… yes, you will still incur WU cost when the save button is clicked, even if no actual changes are made, but it will be less than if actual changes were made.
(at least that’s according to the very simple tests I just ran).