Would you like to grab and move any container?

Grab and move

Now you can grab and move every Bubble element in a very efficient way without heavy external libraries (like jQueryUI).

How a container becomes moveable

Back home
You move the group and when you release it, it returns gently at the first position.

Each type of container you want
You can make moveable Groups, Popups, Floating Groups and Group Focus, moreover you can make an handler with every Bubble element that allow to indicate an ID attribute.

Feedback animations
Grab the group and move around the window and you can see the feedback of you actions because the status “is grabbed” and “is moving”.

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Reply to this forum topic to ask for support or for a new feature.


@piuiux This looks nice. I can see a couple use cases. Is there a way to save the new coordinates so that the next time the page is viewed the elements are in the most recent location?

btw…Your first two links are dead.

Hi @gnelson,

It will be added in the next update. I notice you about that.

Tnx, fixed. Bye.

1 Like

bye? :frowning:

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Hi @gnelson,
Why are you sad? What’s wrong? Sorry, but is forbidden to learn English in Italy. I’m trying as better as possible. It would have been better to write “See you soon”?


See = Face 2 Face
:white_check_mark:Good day

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LOL. :blush: Forbidden? Well you’re doing just fine.

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Updated to version 1.1.1

Now you can save last position in the database!

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AWESOME! Thank you. I try it out. :blush:

are there any tips for how to make it work well with a Focus Group?

Whenever I move it around it will move, disappear, reset to where it was, etc. I couldn’t see a way to make sure it is visible whenever it is grabbed / dragged, etc.

Hi @tim.hawke
I’ve just implement a Focus Group example that works. You can see it at https://cozynocode.com

  1. Go to

Schermata 2023-12-11 alle 12.05.02

  1. Try it

  2. Go to the editor and try to replicate my configuration

Let me know. Bye.