I’m searching this for a long time but I can’t find a precise explanation on how the metrics for individual request since it doesn’t have any breakdown. Anything @jayvee.nava@allenyang?
I think it is based on the content type of a page, so if you have a page that has a content type on it, so that the URL path has either the slug or unique ID, Bubble detects which singular data entry that is. I believe it is the same for a URL parameter…but not 100% sure, so best bet would be to reach out to support for an answer from them.
I’ve got a feeling that ‘individual data requests’ are for when the app knows what data to retrieve (e.g. uniqueID on pages, things attached to other things (e.g. in a field) or when you do a search for the first thing using unique id =).
This is in contrast to when Bubble searches through the entire DB for the items (based on your constraints).
You can see these different search types in the Network tab of your browser.
Petter mentioned it in his book/blog on performance somewhere
Agree, it’s a mget, retrieving a database record (versus retrieving a search msearch), so a direct link to a record, or retrieving a record by its unique_id
If you have an empty page, you’ll see in the logs a individual request on page load, it’s the Current user being downloaded to the page.
If you add a text with Current User’s Project’s Name you’ll see in the logs an additional individual request, that’s Bubble retrieving that individual Project.
Each request will have a different WU cost, as downloading a big record costs more than downloading a small one. WU will increase with the bytes the record you are downloading weights.
For example, for a search you’d have to calculate:
Performing a database search 0.3 WU
Each character of data returned from the database 0.000003 WU
Thanks for this explanation! It was helpful to understand what this is.
In my app, I have a LOT of individual data requests (it’s a task manager type app, so loading a lot of Thing’s data to view). It seems like the app needs to retrieve the same information repeatedly. Note, I don’t have to search for all of my list items. I keep a list of the unique IDs for all items I need to use, so the individual data request is because I need to display the data associated with those items (text, due date, etc.)
I also use that information a lot to make the UI very dynamic, so even if the user is not looking at an items details, the UI may be using it to filter, for example.
It’s set up as a one-page app, using URL segments to navigate (show hide groups). I am using the go to page action with extra path segments to load the right stuff.
Even though I use go to page to navigate to the same page, is Bubble retrieving the data again with individual data requests? It seems like it is, but I don’t know how to monitor that. My WUs seem very high and I’d like to resolve it somehow.
How can I get the app to retain the already retrieved data even if I navigate? Similarly, if a user need to look at the app several times throughout the day (or really many more), and if they don’t keep it open but just view it in a new browser window, it seems like the data will need to be retrieved yet again! Since we have no local storage that could help with this, is there any way to keep the data without having to retrieve the same data repeatedly?