WUreducer - Reduce your Workload Units

This really should be a native feature in Bubble. Thanks for all your contributions!

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Can I earn a bit of money before they make it into a native feature lol. Took me a lot of time and energy :wink:


hey @bubble just acquire @gaimedā€™s co alias and WUreducer already :triumph:


Could you support using multiple apps under the same user?

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will add to roadmap. Technically possible but currently working on v2, security and passing security audit.


This is amazing stuff!!
Is there a way to trigger a cache update? Letā€™s say trigger when I know there has been relevant updates to the database, otherwise keep the regular cache time


Currently if you pass cache=0, it triggers a refresh and becomes available in 60 seconds. Adding a option soon to trigger a instant refresh!

This looks very interesting!

Iā€™m building a task manager app, so most data is user specific and very interactive. Other than some option sets, all data is private.

I have a lot of related fields, and a lot of conditions based on the related fields using Advanced filters. Also, there is a lot of Advanced filtering in simply displaying of data because of the related fields.

The way it is set up, there are five different ā€œtypesā€ of thing, but all have the same base parent data type. Then the unique aspects of each are stored in a related data type. One reason for this was so that all can be displayed in the same RG depending on what list is selected. But it also means there is a lot of filtering going on.

I feel that right now there is a TON of database usage that needs to be eliminated. Because there is no way to download and store a record with all of itā€™s fields (plugins only store the IDs, not the actual data), I think Bubble is continuously downloading the same data as the user navigates around the app.

Can WU Reducer help in this situation?

Iā€™m setting up an account to try this out. When it asks for my app domain name (appname.bubbleapps.io) do I use that even if I have a custom domain, or do I use the custom domain?


Hi there,

I developed this for a B2C app that was about to churn from Bubble (and CoAlias) because of very high WU usage.

They had a lot of reads and not a lot of writes. We were able to reduce the calls to the database, calls to external apiā€™s and allow getting data from external apiā€™s without using the Bubble servers (and costing WUā€™s)ā€¦ Thats the most optimal use case for Wu Reducer.

As this is a new technological stack, I am still learning how Bubble works and how WU reducer could contribute to that. One of the users is using WU reducer to store created ā€˜tasksā€™ and ā€˜projectsā€™ in a asana like clone. But that has collaborations features so it has much more reads then writes.

For apps like AI generators that donā€™t have collaborative features (or very small teams/organisations), it wonā€™t make sence. You have much more writes then reads. I donā€™t know about your app, but depending on reads vs. writes it might make sence (or not) to use WU reducer.

About the offer, we sold 10 in a couple of hours. It was a one time offer untill we release pricing plans.


do you think this will be accepted by Bubble Team? its too good to be true :slight_smile: Imagine if I were to change my whole system and they would push this out


The typical guidance that has been around since Bubble inception is to not rely on 3rd parties for mission critical features of an app, which has mostly been applied to the use of plugins. However, there are plenty of developers with solid reputations that you can trust as a 3rd party to provide for highly valuable mission critical features, or in this case, cost savings.

I would not imagine that Bubble would be doing anything to push out the use of this setup, but maybe they would start to implement features that have been requested since day 1 of the announcement of the pricing change, like allowing us to specify which data fields to return when performing a search; @josh is this still on the table as was expressed in replies to the suggestions? An Update to Workload, Plus More Transparent Calculations - #344 by josh It is coming up to 10 months since.

I think @cm1 you could take the plunge on using this service and not live to regret it, as I couldnā€™t imagine the Bubble team is going to be capable of moving quick enough to put together a system that would render the service obsolete any time soon. They are still busy on putting together an AI design that nobody really cares for, finally getting toward allowing native apps and who knows if anybody is still focused on improving performance or not.


A new prototype I am working on and testing:

is page rabbit the name of your prototype or is that a 3rd party system that needs to be used in conjunction with your prototype?

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Name of the prototype :slight_smile:

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Here is a demo of Pagerabbit / Wureducer that allows you to query and full text search parts of your data: wureducer

Currently Wu reducer is experiencing rate limiting by Bubble. I would advice not to use it in production until we have more information and are able to solve this with Bubble


please do updateā€¦ my project is life depanding on this

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We where able to solve the rate limits for now.

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Can you elaborate on the ā€œfor nowā€ part? Do you envision further issues? :pray:t2:

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Hi Gaimed. I think you need to upgrade your domain on Coalias, your site is down.
Is your service WUreducer still functionnal ?