XML element not being parsed

I’m using the API connector to parse RSS feeds for podcasts. It works brilliantly except for one tag. For some reason, it doesn’t pick up the guid of episodes.

Here’s what I mean. The XML of a podcast’s feed looks like this:

The <item>'s are podcast episodes. I’ve highlighted the <guid> tag that I’m trying to read.

When Bubble’s API ingests it, it looks like this from the “Manually Enter API Response” view:
Manually Enter API Response

You can see that it picks up the isPermaLink attribute but doesn’t actually read the guid element …which is what I need. In the example above, I want the guid’s value, https://yalepodcasts.blubrry.net/?p=3389

Is there something I can do to get it?

I think you may need to ask Bubble support.
For now, you could check “capture response header” (and maybe include error too… not sure if both are needed) to activate the raw body function and use regex to parse it.

Thanks, @Jici. I’ll give that a try.

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I am facing a similar issue. I am unable to retrieve the numbers written in the faceID tag (see image). When I check the “Include errors in response…” option, I can confirm that the numbers are included in the error body during initialization, but when I actually build it, the error body becomes empty.
Upon inquiring with Bubble, it was revealed that the issue stems from the fact that API responses are always saved as JSON later, causing some tags to not be properly converted to JSON. Therefore, the only option for tag recognition is to wait for Bubble to fix the problem. However, if the text in the error body cannot be used either, it becomes impossible to retrieve it using regular expressions, leaving me at a deadlock.
I would greatly appreciate any advice on how to utilize the text in the error body or any alternative methods or other XML plugins that might be available.

It’s worth noting that the system was working fine before the March update, so I suspect that some changes introduced in the update are causing this issue.

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