Apply filter button

I want to be able to affect my search by filters such as price, location, miles within the location. I am using Search and Autocorrect.

I ran into an issue with using constraints so I am trying to work around it.
As seen in this post: Searchbar issues

Is there a way to change the current search by using the elements that I have in the workflow?


Do you mean something like 3 icons that each represent a different constraint. Clicking it can do ‘display list’ action that replaces repeating group data with that constraint applied.

Correct 3 input values would represent each constriant

Price: Drop down
Location: input
Miles of location: dropdown

How would you be able to affect the repeating group with the constraint?

Thank you :smile:

If you have pictures, that would be marvelous

The workflow will be when icon is clicked or do when input value changes > display list action for the repeating group with data source as repeating group filtered on some constraint. You can create a test app and share here for more specific suggestions.

Any thoughts on the public URL?

I am a bit lost.

  1. When icon is clicked or do when input value changes (Done)
  2. Display list action for the repeating group with data source as repeating group filtered on some constraint

How do I have the repeating group filtered with the current RG search data source is Search and Autocorrect and that won’t let me add constraints and show filtered results


Thanks for helping :slight_smile:


  1. You do not add any constraints to the Search and Autocorrect settings (Picture 2) ; you add them to the List of items Repeating Group by using “:filter” (Picture 1)

  2. Since my results appear automatically; I need to consistently press the magnify glass to show the results. So I suggest using a “Apply filter” button so the users understands to press the button to get the filtered results. See the pictures below to help you out (Picture 3)

  • My Apply Filter button is called “Test”

This youtube video will help set it up initially:

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