I searched the forums but couldn’t find a clear answer…
I have my app now setup as app.domainname.com but now want to build the landing page(s) on Bubble too. Obviously, the domain needs to be www.domainname.com but I guess I cannot use both the subdomain and the top level domain for the same app.
What would you do?
Use the top level domain for the app as well as the landing page which means the app will basically be separate pages (there are quite a few) on the domain: www.domainname.com/adminwww.domainname.com/dashboard then the /index will be the landing pages with some additional pages.
Create a new app for just the landing pages using www.domainname.com then link to the subdomain that has the app. I think this will be a little more difficult to implement as I need to connect both apps for login screens etc.
I’m guess what I’m asking is how others have setup their app and respective landing page(s)/websites domain wise.
I can set up a 301 but then the url path would end up in domainname.com/app (or /dashboard, /admin etc)
I like app.domainname.com better for the actual app, but the landing pages etc need to be on the top level domain. I also don’t think its a good idea to separate them in Bubble as separate apps.
I may need to add that a very big component of the app is a backend app that is not accessible to the public in any shape. However, we do have a public part that is exposed to everyone, that’s where the landing page is needed.
Keeping the app separate from the public stuff feels better to me (in terms of app pages etc, even though security is in place)
I decided in the end to go with wordpress. I was pretty reluctant to go the Wordpress route but a lot has changed since the last time I built something on it.
I used the Ocean theme and https://elementor.com/ to build the site. It could not have been easier. Above all the site is very fast and everything is free to make (even though I purchased the ‘pro’ version of elementor.
Now my app still sits on app.domain.com and the website on domain.com. My app landing page (signup page) is styled the same way as the website. Login and signup links go to app.domain.com.
Is it possible to have one app page pointing to a domain and another page (essentially the rest of the app) pointing to a sub domain?
Worst case I can continue to use wordpress for the landing page and direct them to app.domain.com in bubble but using just bubble would have been preferred.
Was wondering whether you had a luck with this query?
I am also in a similar space, and have 3 areas I was looking to use bubble:
main website (www.BUSINESS_NAME.com
support centre (support.BUSINESS_NAME.com)
main bubble application (app.BUSINESS_NAME.com)
I’m wondering there’s anyway that I could use just 1 bubble application to achieve all of the above, or whether I need to in essence pay for 3 separate bubble plans if I want to use bubble for all of these items.
Hi @darius, unfortunately not. Although I still would really like this capability. Perhaps there is a technical reason why it’s not possible yet but I hope bubble add this feature in the future and don’t ask us to pay for two separate apps of what is all the same website.
heh… i thought as long as we use the same backend … we can point any number of domains and subdomains to the same app and it will be considered one plan.
Just like we have many mobile apps for different user groups and so on…