I didn’t find a thread where he announces new features so – in my duty as @eli 's hype man – he just released a new version that allows you to have the multiline input behave like Slack’s input field*.
I am using this with the multi-line input element (the forum is full of threads begging for exactly this scenario! - so thankyou again). However I am encountering a small irregularity when building a chat interface.
When enter is pressed, the input is submitted and then cleared as expected. The only problem is that it does not turn the multiline input to its original state (i,e with a placeholder and the original single line). Instead, though the input is cleared, the cursor is now on the second line and we have lost the placeholder which creates an extra line on top of the message. Seems like this may be a vestige of the original multiline input functionality to add a line (and i dont think there is a way to disable it).
Not sure if anyone has encountered this and knows of a workaround?
I thought resetting the multiline input value would work. And whilst it works if you run the action step by step it oddly does not run properly otherwise
Just chiming in here for a big THANK YOU to whoever built this plugin. I could not for the life of me figure out how to replicate the Slack (and any other messaging system) functionality whereby a chat message can be submitted with a simple “enter” key press. This solved it very easily. Kudos!