Enter is submitting on multiline inputs

Is anyone else experiencing this behavior?

Every time I hit enter, Bubble is treating this like a submission? Happening across multiple apps + machines on my end.

Let me know

Do you have auto-binding enabled?

I do in some places, though this is happening regardless.

Same here…

I don’t know if it is intended to allow for ‘skipped lines’ using the return button or if it is more just utilized for allowing more than one sentence to be seen in the input at the same time, instead of just a single line like a normal input element.

You may want to opt for the Rich Text Editor plugin by Bubble if the multiline input doesn’t allow for a return key skip line.

I use the multiline input to write paragraphs separated by a line of whitespace.

Just like the space between this line and the line above.

As of this morning, this is no longer working. I’m going to file a bug report here…

Hey folks – we got that bug report, thank you for filing! Our team is looking into this now and should have a fix shortly. :slight_smile:


Fix is live now! Please file those bug reports if you run into anything else.

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