Add Google TXT Verification Code in DNS settings

I have a question I hope someone could help with.

We used to have a website lets call it We still use our email as etc and hosted by Google Workspaces. We do not want to change that email address.

However we have a new website lets call it which is created by and hosted by bubble. We had a redirect set up from to (for the website only we do not necessarily need for the email) which worked fine before we migrated to Google Workspaces. So we want users going to to be redirected to the Bubble site we have at which used to work but now just says the website does not exist.

I just noticed the redirect does not work anymore. Talking to Google they told us to set up a website alias but first we need to verify ownership of the domain. They gave us the instructions below. I have no idea how to edit DNS setting with Bubble or add the TXT code so wondered if anyone could help? I have been Googling this for a could of hours but cannot find anything. Thank you so much :slight_smile:

Google Instructions:

To finish verifying your domain, follow the instructions to add the values to your domain host.

1. Go to your domain host’s website in a new tab

2. Sign in to your domain host

Sign in using your domain host’s username and password. If you forgot your password, contact their support.

3. Copy your TXT verification code. In the next step, we’ll show you how to add your code.

4. Find your DNS records

  1. In a second browser window or tab, sign in to your domain host account. Help me find my host.
  2. Go to your domain’s DNS records. The page might be called something like DNS Management, Name Server Management, Control Panel, or Advanced Settings.
  3. Select the option to add a new record.

5. Add your TXT record

  1. For the record type, select TXT.
  2. In the Name/Host/Alias field, enter @ or leave it blank.Your host can require you to enter your domain, which looks like, into this field.Your other DNS records might indicate what you should enter.
  3. In the Time to Live (TTL) field, enter 86400 or leave the default.
  4. In the Value/Answer/Destination field, paste the TXT verification record you copied above.

Hi Stephen,

Bubble doesn’t host websites, so you can’t edit your DNS settings from the Bubble editor. Step 1 for you will be to find out who’s hosting your website (e.g. Bluehost, GoDaddy, etc.), because that’s where you’ll be editing your DNS settings. From there, instructions on how to edit DNS records will depend on the hosting provider.

Now, if I understand you correctly, your Bubble site ( can no longer be accessed? If so, that’s also a DNS issue. You can get the details for the DNS records you need from the Bubble editor by going to Settings > Domain / Email. When you have added the correct DNS records, you will see that the website is working from the same page in Bubble (Settings > Domain / Email).

I’m sure your hosting provider can help you with all of this via chat, including the Google Workspace setup and forwarding from to

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