Google Domain says my DNS records generated by Bubble are already in uses

Need help setting up my domain name with bubble/Google Domains.

I paid for a domain name on Goole Domains. I then went into my Bubble settings > domain/email section and added it. I get a message in Bubble saying “we found bad DNS records for” www.******.com. In Google Domains it says DNS “records are already in use”.

What do I do?

Thanks for any help.

Hey there @roseokwerekwu,

Welcome to the Bubble community!

Can you provide some screenshots of your setup?

Hi, I’ve attached screenshots of my Bubble domain/email message and the message from Google Domains.

Thanks so much for your help with this

Can you send a screenshot of your Google Domain records? There is most likely already an A record for the root domain there.

Hi Johnny,

Not really sure what you mean. I thought that was what I included in the screenshots above (The Google Domain DNS record is the one that has “Custom resource records” at the top with the red text".

If there is somewhere else I should be looking at to create a screenshot I’d really appreciate some guidance on where to look.

Thanks and best regards

From your first screenshot, it looks like you already have A records set. Can you send a screenshot of the list of records you’ve set already?

Afraid nothing is showing up in either my registered hosts, synthetic records or custom resource records for the new domain.

is there something else I should be looking at?

Thanks for all your help with this.


I believe the problem is your Synthetic Record.

Thanks so much!!!. I deleted the record that had been made in the Synthetic section, added my DNS values to my Custom resource record and waited 24 hrs as requested by Google.

All set. Really appreciate your help with patiently guiding me through this. I have no clue/background with this.

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No problem!

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