Adding same item multiple time to a list in DB

Hi, I’m using lists to store data and was curious if it is possible to add same value multiple times to same list.
I cannot seem to figure out how to do that.
I can do it in the database but not from the application I’m building
Please help, I’m new to this

Thank you

Hello I would be interested to know that too

it is not possible
The way I did it is to add a randomize at the end of the intended entry and then just display the part then you need in the web page.
It works fine if you do not need to calculate the values in the list
If you do need to calculate you can ad a lot of .000thyen randomize and this will not minimize the impact on your final calculations. It all depends on how accurate your final calculation needs to be

You actualy can (at least now in 2022):

  • If you do it directly from the bubble database it will work; you can add the same db item as many times as you want. The problem is in adding by the frontend screen. In other forum question on the same topic they say the problem is on the unique id. Work for the next dev on the discussion.