Algolia Privacy in Bubble

Hi everyone,

Has someone fine a way to add privacy rules for Algolia search in Bubble?

We have integrated the search in our app but are afraid that all data is public since we cannot use the privacy rule “when current user is logged in” (since then Algolia isn’t working anymore).

Looking forward to hearing from you

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I think you should ask customer support for this query. They can help you better.

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I am waiting for the response, but I came across the “Algolia Search” plugin and was wondering whether it is possible to add privacy rules in Bubble with this plugin?

Right now, I only used Algolia with the keys but here I need to check the “everyone else” option in the privacy tab in Bubble.

However, we would like to use Algolia for sensitive data and are wondering whether there is any way to solve this?

Since this is quite urgent for us, we would be willing to pay to get some support for this issue.

I’d never heard of TypeSense, but looks pretty neat. Are you hosting yourself or using their cloud service? When you say your using privacy settings, are you doing so through TypeSense or your own rules within Bubble? @J805

Hi @ap11 , thanks for reaching out.

"However, we would like to use Algolia for sensitive data and are wondering whether there is any way to solve this?" - Yes, it is possible to limit the access to data for each user by defining a filtering rule inside the plugin tab - Screenshot.

A solution for your use case is that in the Algolia dashboard define a filtering rule, see the screenshot. And inside the plugin, you can set this filter either static or dynamic. Here is an example. In this way, it will select which information should be displayed to your user depending on his status.

Here you can find some useful information on how to set filters:
Algolia Search V. 2.0 Documentation - Configuring display for your index

"Since this is quite urgent for us, we would be willing to pay to get some support for this issue." - Unfortunately, we do not provide plugin customization or custom plugin development services. Apologies for the inconvenience.
In case your project requires only small adjustments, I would recommend checking the Freelance section at the Bubble forum: Jobs / Freelance - Bubble Forum or check on UpWork or Fiverr for Bubble freelancer development offers.

Please try my suggestions and let me know if they helped.
Best regards,
Zeroqode Support Team

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I have used the cloud service for now. I have thought about setting up my own server for testing purposes just to see if I could do it. Just haven’t had time to do it.

With it being through the api connector we were able to keep privacy settings in the app and send things to TypeSense on the backend without having to expose our data to the public.

Type sense also is encrypted at rest too. Hope that makes sense. :blush:

This is a pretty recent development for me so I’m still digging in deeper about how to secure it even more. Currently the app is for internal purposes so it works great. Not sure how it would work yet with multi tenant/company apps.


Thanks for sharing @J805

Would love to hear more about your learning here as things progress!