An app where you can read childrens stories?

I’m trying to develop an app where you can read stories in the app, the idea is that you can basically click through it and each page would give you a new picture and sentence. My best idea on how to do that so far is to create a repeating group, link it up to a data source with the pictures and sentences of the story, and then add a conditional so you only see one part of the repeating group at a time. I’m just not sure how to make a conditional for only showing part of the repeating group and how to link that to a button command to give the user control over navigating through the story. Any advice or help on this would be appreciated!

I like the concept! Here’s an approach that might work:

  • Create a main group element called “Book,” with another group inside it for each “Page.”
  • Inside the “Page” group, include elements for the picture and text.
  • Add a custom state to the “Page” group to track the current page number.
  • Set up “Next Page” and “Back Page” buttons that adjust the custom state: the Next button adds 1, and the Back button subtracts 1.
  • Use the custom state to dynamically update the content in the picture and text elements based on the current page number.

This way, the navigation is simple, and the content updates automatically as users click through.