Anyone else experiencing strange behaviors with suddenly altered workflows & conditionals?

Hi there, I’m going a little crazy as I’m experiencing some issues and I wanted to check with fellow bubblers to see if I’m not alone.

Early this week I noticed that two of my workflows were altered and some expressions were suddenly throwing red line errors. Very weird, since I never touched those workflows (it’s been months since I had). They were actually older and I didn’t require them yet, so I fixed (what I could remember) or removed portions, but it got me a little nervous to see that suddenly come up.

Now I am noticing some of my conditionals are different, like the opposite of what I had thought I had checked before.

Is Bubble experiencing strange behaviors with workflows and conditionals? I’ve noticed weird things since this past weekend and want to know if I’m not losing my mind. :pensive: :woozy_face:

It could be the stress of a product launch has me seeing ghosts, but figured I’d stop by the trusty forum to see if anyone else has seen this behavior too :ghost:

I did file a bug report.

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I have 2 apps running on bubble and have not experienced any changes.
For the record, I didn’t move into cloudfare yet because I am fairly happy with my apps speed and couldn’t feel confident about how to proceed with the DNS stuff. I have no tech background.
I wonder if this cloudfare wave could be the issue…