API Connector: Chatgpt help


I’m encountering a specific issue while using the Bubble API Connector to generate 20 MCQs, each with 4 options and a correct answer, I am getting reply in JSON format

I’ve attached a screenshot of the API Connector setup for reference.

this is what I am getting back

When I test it, the first question and its options are automatically selected, and I can’t figure out what’s causing this behavior.

I’d appreciate any guidance or suggestions to resolve this. Thank you in advance!

I doub’t the overall process, as if you are returnign the answer within the question, any one with little knowledge how broswer work , can see the correct answer.

what i suggest, make a database in a such a way, that to check the correct ans you use a backend workflwo whcih will check the right ans and return true or false.


I Have a question database entiry, with 4 Filed for option and one field which also have right ans, and i will make this filed not visible for anyone with privacy rules, which make it invisible for every on on front end.

to check the right ans, i will create a backend API workflow whcih bypass privacy rules, with that i send the quesiton and user selected ans,

in backend i match the ans with the question if it true i will return true and if false i return false, this way user have no knowledge

If you need help, ping me i walk you through it.

I have done all that, Storing Questions, Options and correct answer in database. I am running a backend API workflows too.

I need help in why one questions all options are selected while others are fine.

Can you help me

yah, sure let get on a meet call so, you can better brife me the senario with your app and i will give you solution, add me on linkedin see my profiel.

lets find a suitable time,

are you available now ?

@tabschoolindia Sorry, i get the notification late, will be available in 1h … Do ping me on linkedin for better response

Got it fixed!! Thanks.

The data wasn’t being stored properly in database.