I’m using themoviedb.org to pull movies into a repeating group
My goal is to click on a movie in the repeating group. Get sent to another page where the trailer to that movie starts playing.
I have the repeating group and page advancement designed.
Having problems with:
-Not sure if my api call is correct
- I’m supposed to retrieve the ‘key’ parameter to play the trailer. Not working
Any help would be great
You’re usually good with API’s
Have you ever done this?
I know it’s like the search function where you have to initialize the call with a movie name
Then erase it on the query parameter after initialization.
This you have to use a movie Id number in the endpoint. Then switch it to the words
[movie id] after initialization and Set up a parameter with ‘movie id’ as the key
I’m not sure how to call that parameter with the video element.
I need to click on the cell and have the cell I picked movie play.
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If you book a meeting with me, i will walk you how to do it.
Well, I figured it out. Lol. Never mind
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It’s great you figured it out. It would also be kind of you to post the solution and how you achieved it for other users that may face this challenge in future.
You’re correct. I will do this