Hello, I’ve had this issue with many plugins so for my latest SaaS project I setup an API workflow for each webhook event. But now I’m working on a project where that is not possible. Can someone explain what the problem is?
In the current workflow a payment webhook is sent > in the second step we send an email to the user. I thought maybe I’ve set the conditions wrong so I removed all of the conditions. Still the second step is not executing.
I’m facing an issue now I’ve raised with bubble support where I have a recurring api workflow not getting set from another api endpoint, so could be related.
If I move the step 2 workflow to step 1 it works. All of the other workflow steps are not exectuted in the API Workflow. I have this problem also with some of my older projects but I thought it was my own fault…
@nocodeventure please submit a bug report. We are investigating @jonathan.timianko bug and another similar one with recurring workflows but there is no consistent pattern at the moment so your example might help