I’m looking for a solution to automatically update a RepeatingGroup with new API changes without having to reload the whole page.
We have a repeatinggroup of files from our Dropbox account, and on page load it populates with the files.
However, when we create a new file for example from Bubble (and send the create api request to Dropbox) there is no way of automatically seeing that newly created file in the repeating group without hard refreshing the bubble app page.
@luke2 Indeed! @help Just make sure to read the “Update:” (the second post) instead of the original … The original was nasty involving states. The “Update” uses a single Date parameter in the API call and I can confirm it still works wonderfully.
Thanks for sharing this - it’s a great thread. I’ve taken the steps for the new updated solution by adding a time header to the API call to bust the cache.
However, it still won’t refresh. I’ve tried linking it to a button like you did, and also now tried the drag/drop workflow event but to no avail. Here is how I have it set up:
I unfortunately don’t see anything that stands out. The only thing I can think of (and something I actually should test) is I think Current date/time doesn’t update like I think it does and it’s possible the “current date/time” is actually the same in the API call as it is when the page is called. That’s a long shot though.
Could you send me a screenshot (with credentials blanked) of the API call itself? Maybe something there will stand out.