Automatically create a "Day" thing for each day between dates


Let’s say I have a date range of between 01-01-2021 and 31-12-2021. For each day in between those two dates I want to create a Day thing which I can do something with.

How do you approach this? I am looking for a for each function but can’t find it.


This plugin may help:

Thanks but i’m looking to create about 300 “day” Things in one go. Not sure if this plugin helps with that?

It will just return me with a list of dates between two dates.

Use a recursive API workflow

Lets call it “date creator”

With inputs:

Workflow has two steps

  1. Create a new thing

dayThing (your custom day thing type in your db to hold your 300 dates)
date: thisdate

  1. Schedule API workflow

workflow to schedule: “date creator” (this workflow)
index : index + 1
thisdate: thisdate +days: 1
conditional : when index <= 300

This will cause the workflow to run 300 times, while incrementing the date by 1 day.

Run the workflow with starting values index = 1 and thisdate = your starting date.

This will cause the workflow to run 300 times, while incrementing the date by 1 day.

There may be solutions for using a plugin or otherwise to generate a list of 300 dates or numbers and running a workflows on a list of things, however I’ve experienced issues where certain workflows may not run when doing this. IMO recursive is the only way to go.

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