Hello! I’m new to bubble and loving it. (I’m a developer a my full time too!)
I’m working on building a personal task manager for myself. I currently use a spreadsheet version of it and want to make it a bubble app.
I want to create a “day” thing everyday. After some research it seems that using zapier to send an api call to my work flow to create a “day” would work. I felt like there may be a better way?
So for example if I log into the app I would like a “day” thing already created for today. The day thing will contain a list of “todo” things that I add/remove/etc
So the homepage will show today’s “day” thing with the “todo” things.
Once it passes midnight in my set timezone, I would like a new “day” thing created. So when I log in again, the new “day” thing is used. Underneath it I would have a list of the previous “day” things.
Thinking further ahead if I decide to try and get users onto it, they would need to set their timezone so that the proper timing is correct. So having a zapier api call once a day wouldn’t really work.
Any thoughts on how I could do this?