Pessoal, vcs conseguiram integrar o Bubble ao sistema de armazenamento de arquivos da AWS, direto via API Connector? Se sim, poderia explicar o procedimento?
A Zeroqode possui um plugin com essa funcionalidade, mas ele custa 85 dólares, um valor alta quando convertido para real.
@renatoasse consegue dar uma luz nessa? Obrigado
I’d love to look into this. Are you storing data or other files?
I use Firebase for nonBubble projects and just finished out a plugin for one of them. How does Firebase compare to S3 or AWS storage?
Perhaps this plugin can help to store, get and delete from AWS S3
Talvez este plugin possa ajudar a armazenar, obter e excluir do AWS S3
If you require more features, let me know, I will see what can be done.
I can tell you that integrating your AWS S3 bucket directly with the API connector is very difficult. I have done it.
I do not recommend doing it yourself if one of the add ins will do what you need, in the long run it will break your spirit in the attempt.
I’m happy now that I did it, but honestly, pay the money and move on with the good parts of your project.
Hi, speak Spanish?
A query, after uploading the file, do I get the URL to be able to display the uploaded file on my website?
Is it possible to configure S3 together with this plugin so that the files are only visible from my domain and if someone copies the URL of a file and tries to open it from another tab, the file does not show?
Si. Cada vez que subes un archivo a bubble, el workflow tiene la opción a referir al URL del archivo. Eso existe en el S3 de bubble.
Con el plug-in y tu propio S3, si también hay una opción ver el URL del archivo - dentro de los propiedades del workflow.
S3 tiene la posibilidad configurar la política CORS que dice de cuáles direcciones permite que se origine el tráfico. Eso es para la configuración Amazon, no bubble.
Buena suerte! Excusa el español… estoy un poco… oxidado.
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