Backend Workflow - second Schedule API workflow doesn't run

I have an issue with a backend workflow.
3 steps

  1. Make change to thing (External API to database)
  2. Scheduled API on a list
  3. Scheduled API on a list

The second Scheduled API never runs.
I have try to switch step 3 to Step 2, same issue only the first Scheduled API run.

Is there and issue on my Scheduled time?
What I have to do to be sure my second Scheduled API on a list runs after the first one?

Thanks in advance for help.

see screen ;


Better to set up the first one as a recursive workflow that once it ends starts the second one that could continue to be a list … or another recursive wf if so preferred

Thanks for this quick reply.
What do you call recursive workflow?
API workflow on list with call another WF API for each item of the list isn’t yet a recursive workflow?


Great thank you :slight_smile:

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this is exactly what I do.
I have a Main Workflow (A) with a workflow on a list (B) with is call recursively another workflow (C). This is run perfectly.
When I want to do :
Main Workflow (A) with :

  • workflow on a list (B) with is call recursively another workflow (C).
  • workflow on a list (D) with is call recursively another workflow (E).

in this case workflow D never runs