Bad DNS Records issue with bubble website

Hey fellow bubblers,

Its now been 24 hours since my website has been down. I recently switched from webflow to and now I am kind of regretting it. I built the website and added the DNS records that bubble has requested me to add into Squarespace (previously Google Domains). I went ahead and did that and my website is still down.

I tried removing my domain and readding it again, but no luck. I saw a suggestion to do this in the forums but it did not resolve my issue.

I am not sure if anyone here had similar experience and would be able to help?

I reached out to support but they have not gotten back to me yet and are not responding to my messages, so I am not sure if they will be of any help.

Here are the images to support my issue:

Bubbles DNS records they request for me to input

Inputted DNS records into squarespace

What I receive when I try visiting the webpage

Error message mentioning Bad DNS records, that they provided me with?!?!

DNS Lookup error results:

Appreciate any help on this!

Did you ever get this resolved?

@framefocusme yes - I was able to figure it out myself. I noticed that 8 DNS records were suggested by bubble if you look at my first screenshot. I removed the ones that end in IPs .105

Follow this video as a guide:

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