Best practice regarding Bubbles new icon packs

Now that the default bubble icon comes with Material Icons + several more options, how does this affect performance and building?

I believe the complete bubble guide says that each icon plugin you download has to download the entire library to your device per page launch, thus having more icon styles in your app is bad for performance.

since the default icon now houses several styles, are they being loaded in regardless?

If I use the Google Material Icon Plugin already, should I be converting all of my icons to Bubbles Version of the Material Icon pack, and then uninstalling the old pack?

If I use material icons out of Bubbles new icon pack but then also sprinkle in a few awesomeiconsv6,
will that still cause my app to download unnecessary data? does it download regardless?

If you use my icon plugin, it loads icons on demand. Plus, it has ALL the open source libraries you could ever want.

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curveball but you have my attention :eyes: will add to the shortlist of things to check out. big if true

Would still be interested to hear an official answer to the original OP question.

Iā€™ve been putting off using the new icon packs especially ā€˜mix and matchingā€™ them , incase it slows things down on page load etcā€¦

Yes, definitely. Always opt to use native bubble features instead of 3rd party plugins.

My assumption is they are downloaded regardless but Iā€™m not a traditional coder nor do I use the browser developer console much to inspect how things are loaded. But, overall Iā€™d venture to guess, you are not going to see a performance decrease if you are using different icon packs provided by Bubble.

Maybe @nick.carroll could speak to that as I think he was part of this new feature.